Community Is The Answer

The Myrtle Beach Police Department (MBPD) hosts various Community Outreach programs to bring the business community, residents and the law enforcement community together with the goal of improving communication; thereby preventing and solving crimes.

Chief Amy Prock and her staff share information about how technology, coupled with old-fashioned investigation, brings about the swift apprehension of criminal suspects.

Additionally, she shares specific suggestions on how business owners, managers, employees and residents can assist the police department in terms of preventing and solving crimes.

Success Comes Within Hours: The first 48 hours of any investigation is crucial in solving a crime and apprehending suspects. By gathering eyewitness accounts and video evidence as well as coordinating with various agencies and the community, investigations can happen quickly and police can take suspects into custody within hours of a crime.

Caught On Camera: The City of Myrtle Beach alone has more than 1,000 surveillance cameras, coupled with the newly installed Real Time Surveillance System and personnel, are assisting the MBPD tremendously and swiftly in solving crimes and apprehending suspects before they leave the area – or worse before they commit another crime. Additionally, MBPD has Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) throughout the city that observe and read thousands of vehicle plates a day. The system checks tag numbers against state and national criminal databases.

Communication Is Key: As a popular tourist destination, Myrtle Beach businesses such as restaurants, attractions and hotels host millions of visitors each year. The employees and managers of these business effectively act as the eyes and ears of law enforcement efforts. Simply put, “if you see something, say something.”

The most effective method of communication entirely depends upon the nature of the situation. If a crime is occurring, any witness should immediately call 911 and be ready to provide location and description of the incident. However, not all information is a true, immediate emergency. In cases of suspicious activity or reoccurring nuisances such as trespassing, communication of those details is also imperative. Beyond calling or emailing the police department directly, witnesses are encouraged to utilize the newly developed website and online form to report incidences of concern.

Crime Prevention Tactics: Businesses and residents within the Myrtle Beach City limits can request a site visit to identify steps they can take to deter crime and assist in an investigation if a crime takes place. Such site visits can result in recommendations such as:

  • Install security cameras or additional security cameras
  • Remove shrubbery or structures that prohibit sight lines
  • Add shrubbery or barriers to direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic
  • Add lighting and keep areas free of litter and overgrowth
  • Install a security code entry system

The Myrtle Beach Police has experienced tremendous success in investigating, apprehending and arresting violent suspects. To continue down this path of success, the business community and area residences must work together to communicate and implement procedures to deter and solve crime throughout the community.